# Distributed Knowledge Graph - A [[graph]] where [[nodes]] are [[entities]] and [[edges]] are [[social]], [[semantic]], [[logical]] [[relationships]]. - Such a graph, in general, is by definition [[social]]. - [[pull]] [[social-knowledge-graph]] - [[push]] [[what is a distributed knowledge graph]] - [[go]] https://notes.knowledgefutures.org/pub/belji1gd/release/2 - by [[joel gustafson]] of the [[knowledge futures group]]. - The [[agora]] is built around one, or is an interface to many, depending of how you look at it. - It is an [[integrated repository]] of [[digital gardens]]. - The default exchange format is [[markdown]] on [[git]]. - I strive to integrate it as well as I can with the [[federated ecosystem]]. - It should eventually support in particular [[activity pub]], [[web annotations]], [[rdf]], [[agora protocol]].